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Swimming Pool Salt vs. Chlorine: Pros and Cons Explained

aaron heselton

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Swimming Pool Salt vs. Chlorine Introduction

When it comes to maintaining a clean and safe swimming pool, the choice of water treatment system is crucial. Swimming Pool Chlorine and Salt Systems are two popular options, each with its own set of pros and cons. In this article, we will delve into the features of both systems to help you make an informed decision about which one is the best fit for your needs.

Swimming Pool Chlorine Systems

Swimming Pool Chlorine Pros

  1. Effective Sanitization: Chlorine is a tried and tested method for swimming pool sanitation. It effectively kills bacteria, algae, and other contaminants, keeping your pool water safe for swimming.

  2. Affordability: Chlorine products are readily available and often more budget-friendly compared to salt systems.

  3. Fast Acting: Chlorine acts quickly to sanitize the water, making it an ideal choice for maintaining water quality.

Swimming Pool Chlorine Cons

  1. Skin and Eye Irritation: Swimming pools treated with chlorine can cause dry skin, red eyes, and irritated noses, throats, and lungs, particularly in individuals with sensitivities.

  2. Chemical Storage: You must keep chlorine products on hand, and they can be quite corrosive with a strong odor, making proper storage essential.

  3. Higher Seasonal Costs: Chlorine systems can incur higher costs during peak seasons due to increased chemical usage. Maintaining the water chemistry can be more challenging in hot summer temperatures, leading to additional expenses.

Swimming Pool Salt Cell Systems

Swimming Pool Salt Cell Pros

  1. Gentler on the Senses: Swimming Pool salt systems do not have the heavy chemical smell associated with chlorine. They are much gentler on the skin, eyes, hair, and swimsuits.

  2. Softer Water Feel: Water in salt-treated pools has a softer feel compared to chlorine pools, creating a more enjoyable swimming experience.

  3. Lower Maintenance Costs: Salt systems generally have lower monthly maintenance costs, as you won't need to purchase and store harsh chemical products.

  4. No Harsh Chemical Storage: Unlike chlorine, you won't need to store and handle corrosive chemicals with salt cell systems.

Swimming Pool Salt Cell Cons

  1. Temperature Limitations: Salt cells may not generate sufficient chlorine in water temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. During colder months, you may need to supplement with additional chlorination methods.

  2. Regular Cleaning Required: Salt cells can develop mineral deposits that bridge the space between the metal plates. Factory recommendations suggest checking and cleaning them every 2-6 months.

  3. Increased Energy Costs: Salt cells run on electricity, which can lead to a higher energy bill during peak swimming seasons.

  4. Higher Initial Investment: Installing a swimming pool salt cell system tends to have a higher initial cost compared to traditional chlorine systems.

  5. Corrosion Risk: Saltwater is naturally corrosive and could damage your pool finish, handrails, and natural stone decking. Proper water balance (calcium, alkalinity, and pH) can help mitigate this issue.

In conclusion, the choice between swimming pool chlorine and swimming pool salt systems for your pool depends on your preferences, needs, and budget. Chlorine systems are effective and budget-friendly but may cause skin and eye irritations. Salt systems offer a gentler and more comfortable swimming experience but come with initial costs and maintenance requirements. Understanding the pros and cons of each system will help you make the best decision for your specific pool setup and preferences. If you have questions or would like a quote to upgrade your system to a salt cell, Contact Us and let us help you through the process.


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